Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Mother is Beautiful

by canape at Don't Take the Repeats
Posted July 10, 2007

I don't remember what my mother looked like before her mastectomy. I do remember what the
swimsuit that she wore to Destin the summer before her surgery looked like. It was green and blue. A floral print. It had white trim. I thought it was beautiful. I thought she was beautiful.

Our neighborhood had a pool. There was a big red barn that had been converted into a clubhouse, and they had added a pool and tennis courts. The pool had a bridge over it that you could hide under, hang on, and if no grownups were watching, you could jump off of it. We loved to go to that pool in the summer, and Momma would take us whenever she could. Read more...

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Wow, that was beautiful. Thanks for posting it.