Tuesday, July 17, 2007

An open letter to the crack whore who marries Boy, from a grateful mother-in-law

by RachelW from Diary of a mad, mad housewife
Posted on July 16, 2007

July 16, 2033

Dear Madam:

Oh. I'm sorry - is "Madam" rude? A little too ... um, relevant? I wasn't sure exactly sure how to address you. Crack whore seemed a bit strong, really. A tad, um... harsh. Would CW be OK? I do apologize. Man and I just aren't too familiar with these kinds of things, and had never really envisioned becoming so, either, when our sweet little Boy was placed in our arms for the first time all those years ago. You know - it's the same for everyone really. You count the fingers, toes, and when they're OK, it jumps right to dreaming of him as a captain of industry, doctor, maybe even lawyer, all because of your many strenuous efforts to secure the best preschool and baseball camp in town. And read a lot of the good doctors Seuss and Brazelton.

Well, that's what we, in our innocence, thought, CW. Read more...


MadMad said...

Oh, you meanie! :) (Thank you!) This is such a great idea; you're so nice to do it! I've found some really wonderful blogs!

Ashley said...

I'm just happy everyone I've posted has been glad to be here. I've found some great blogs, too!